Project Stage 3

Matching Fodors and Zagats

  • User ID: bugwriter
  • Project ID: trial
  • Screenshot: Screenshot

Blocking Results

  • User ID: bugwriter
  • Project ID: movies
  • Screenshot: Screenshot

Matching Results

  • User ID: bugwriter
  • Project ID: movies
  • Screenshot: Screenshot

Estimating Accuracy


  • Size of the candidate set C: 3179
  • PDF file
  • Blocking code: Because the program terminates at the first iteration, we don’t need any blocking rules/code to reduce the size of the candidate set C.
  • Final reduced set of candidate tuple pairs: It is still the candidate set C.
  • 400 tuples sampled and manually labeled
  • Jupyter notebook output: ((0.989417801886328, 1.003202124312934), (1.0, 1.0))
  • Recall = [0.989 - 1.003]
  • Precision = [1.0 - 1.0]